The following are the professional, administrative and supervisory functions of the Director, Forensic science Laboratories, West Bengal.
- The Director is the head of Forensic Science Laboratories in West Bengal.
- Undertakes overall development of the forensic science as necessitated for the causes of investigation & justice delivery system.
- Executes the financial and administrative powers as vested
- Offers guidance to the Divisional heads while examining clue materials, comparison, evaluation & issuance of scientific reports.
- Renders Forensic science services before the law courts, commissions and committees constituted by the Government.
- Conducts Supervisions and offer suggestion and advices about the management of crime scenes and various other technical and professional inputs required in the field in select cases of importance.
- Undertakes research in Forensic science & related fields. Guide the subordinate officers in their respective fields of research.
- Organization of training programmes in Forensic science for various user.
- Carryout any other work assigned by the senior officers of the department andGovernment.
- Executes all other works assigned by the Government from time to time, co-ordinate with other State & Central Directors of allied institutions for furtherance of Forensic science.
Deputy Director (DD)
- Deputy Director assist the Director in administration as well as scientific work.
- Conducts overall supervision and control with respect to both technical and administrative matters. The Deputy Director establishes rapport with the local investigating agencies & takes all the steps for promoting Forensic Science services.
- Guides the technical staff under his control during the examination & issue of reports.
- Undertakes examination, evaluation, comparison of clue materials and issue scientific reports.
- Undertakes to testify or give evidence before the law courts and other authorities as & when required.
- Visits & examines the scenes of crime and give necessary technical assistance to the investigating officers.
- Undertakes research, teaching & training for Forensic science personnel, MOs, judicial and prosecuting officers etc in related fields.
- Renders all assistance to the Director, FSL in monitoring, discharging of forensic service, introducing newer technologies in the field of Forensic science and other administrative supports.
- Carry out any other scientific or administrative works assigned to him by the Director and other superior officers.
Assistant Director (AD)
- The Assistant Director is in charge of a division/section.
- The Assistant Director is the custodian of the case records, exhibits referred to the division/section; maintenance and up keeping of all the instruments attached to the division.
- Ensures efficient working of the division and expeditious disposal of the work/cases.
- Exercise powers of supervision and control over the staff working in the division/section.
- Undertakes research work in related fields & ensure the adoption of latest developments in Forensic science.
- Scrutinizes the cases received in his division and determine the nature of examination to be conducted in each case and assign the work among the subordinate staff in the respective division.
- Issue reports independently in some cases & makes appropriate evaluation of the reports generated by the subordinates.
- Organizes the visits to the scene of offence and provide his expert assistance to the IOs in collection of clues.
- Delivers lectures in the specialized field of Forensic science.
- Submits the periodical reports to the Deputy Director/Director regarding the work turned out in the division.
- Carry out any other work entrusted by the Deputy Director/Director and senior officers.
Senior Scientific Officer (SSO)/ Scientific Officer (SO)
- The Scientific Officer works under the guidance and supervision of concerned Assistant Director/Deputy Director/Director.
- The Scientific Officer is the reporting Officer, he/she undertakes the routine analytical work of case exhibits, issues reports and depose evidence before courts whenever summoned.
- Guide the scientific assistants in carrying out the routine analysis work.
- Track the latest developments in the field of Forensic science & promote their adoption while examining case exhibits.
- Co-ordinate with the Assistant Director for proper maintenance of equipments and take steps to keep them in working condition.
- Ensures better disposals above the target fixed in the work norms.
- Visit the scene of offence and provide expert assistance while collecting the clue materials from the scene of crime.
- Make presentation about the working system of the division to the trainees and visitors.
- Submit the performance reports to the Assistant Director, Deputy Director of the division.
- Co-ordinate with the Assistant Director in proper maintenance of files and registers of the division.
- Carryout any other work assigned by the Deputy Director/Director and other Senior Officers.
Scientific Assistant (SA)
- Assist the Scientific Officer/Assistant Director in the analytical tasks.
- Assist in preparative, presumptive, chemical, physical & instrumental analysis and documentation while analyzing case exhibits.
- Adopt instrumental methods of analysis optimally.
- Submit the performance reports and assist the Division heads in preparing the periodical reports.
- Undertakes independent analysis of case exhibits under the supervision of Scientific Officer/Assistant Director.
- Assist the Scientific Officers in their field work during the visit to the scene of crime whenever called for.
- Assist in maintaining the files pertaining to the cases & also any other registers required.
- Examines the cases under the supervision of the respective division heads/ and Scientific Officers.
- Carry out any other work entrusted by the Senior Officers.
Laboratory Assistant (LA)
- To assist SA/SO/AD/DD and Director in examination evaluation and comparison of clue material especially for systematic arranging of exhibits and reagents.
- To maintain register of the division concerned for making entries of the exhibits/cases received in the division. He/she also has to maintain all the records of chemical, glassware and equipments and to prepare data whenever required.
- To performother duties as assigned by senior officers.
Attendant/GDA/Peon/Lab Bearer/Packer
- Opening and closing of doors/windows of the division/section/office etc.
- Carrying out exhibits/parcels/articles/documents/type matter/files/papers etc from one place to another within and outside the laboratory in the interest of public service.
- To clean the laboratory tables / apparatus sinks, shelves, furniture and otheritems in the division/section/office.
- To attend various activities in the laboratory such as examination/exhibition and other official work by scientific personnel and official staff.
- Opening and packing of parcels and helping the supervising officers.
- Packing and sealing of exhibits and other documents, keeping them in proper places and unpacking the covers, parcels etc., to perform other relevant duties as assigned to him/her by the supervising officer in the interest of public service.
- To perform relevant duties as assigned by the Officer/section-in-charge.
- To perform any other duties assigned by senior officers for the cleanliness of the laboratory as a whole and for carrying materials and other items for thefunctioning of the laboratory.
- To perform other duties as assigned by senior officers.
- Receive the exhibits/parcels/documents of new cases.
- Find out the location of exhibits, loading of exhibits in stores, return of exhibits, transfer of examined exhibits (Viscera/SS/Parcels), cleaning of examination chambers, apparatus, examination tables.
- Intra/inter section transfer of exhibits/documents/dockets/register.
- Cutting of viscera, labeling, opening of new exhibits, cleaning of glass apparatus/basins etc., processing for extraction, processing for visceral tests e.g., Reinsch's test, distillation for alcohol and any other compound.
- To maintain the chambers and stores.
- During office hours opening and closing of doors/windows of the laboratories/ sections.
- To assist the officers and scientific staff in examination of exhibits, if required.
- To perform other duties as assigned by senior officers.